Friday, August 29, 2008

Two more weekends and then I head south!

I can't believe how fast this summer has flown... For some reason I had thought back in June this would be a relaxing summer - wrong!!! Still working 50 plus hours a week, sleeping in many different places, Sarah's little sickness scare, KC changing homes, my car breaking down "2" times (give me a horse please) then add on top of that fund raising I'm on over load.. I've gotten lost in a city I've lived 40 out of 47 years... I forget where I'm sleeping that night and go back to where I've been.. Trying to remember where I put something has tested my memory skills. Last weekend I went to my shed so I could finally caulk the seams so it would be weather proof. When I was moving crates around looking for winter clothes that I will need for this fall I found stuff I'm not sure why I saved and other stuff I forgot I still had.. Oh, and I found my socks I had been looking for - for weeks....
I have two more weekends then I head south to the mountains of North Carolina. I'm looking forward to my time of learning, but at this moment I'm actually looking forward to 9 weeks in the same bed....
I am still excited even in the mist of being out of sorts sometimes. I also am so thankful for the many blessings each day... for small things like warm homemade banana bread to bigger things like dear friends lending me luggage for my trip. I am also thankful for the encouraging words I receive..
Thank you for joining me on this adventure..

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