Sunday, February 1, 2009

Red sky at night sailors delight -- What a delightful week it has been!

I am enjoying my time in North Carolina re-connecting with friends, painting and learning so much.. It was rainy and overcast the first couple days then the sun came out. The above pictures are the sky one evening as we were driving to have dinner with the Raisch Family. It was absolutely beautiful and thankfully Chip and Betty didn't mind stopping so I could capture the image.

On Monday I had the great joy of visiting with Jon, Bonnie and their wonderful kids. What a treat that were would be both passing through North Carolina at the same time. I ran to the store to pick up Oreos and Cheese Nips for the boys since these are the little boys that lived next to me while we were in training and would knock on my door for "snacks". So much fun to visit and catch up with what has been happening in each of our lives.

I've been working on the mural that I started last fall and here is the progress so far.

Last Wednesday night Chip, Betty and I had the great joy and pleasure of eating dinner with Don and Carol their girls Kimberly, Jamie, Lilly and son Devin and girlfriend Mandy and Don's Mother. What a sweet time to fellowship, laugh and share a fabulous meal. After dinner we sat around the large kitchen table and shared stories. I loved being part of this loving family for a night. The girls are pictured with me above in front of the mural. Their sweet faces are on the wall.

On Saturday I had the pleasure and privilege of taking family portraits for Bob, Laura and their two children Elizabeth and Nathan and cat Tucker. I loved having this time to spend with this amazing family. Bob was one of my teachers this past fall and I so appreciated all the wisdom he willingly shared. Thank you Bob & Laura! Nathan had a scary accident going over a jump on his BMX bike so I was able to document this monument even in a boys life. 28 stitches and a large battle wound to show for his courage.

What a delightful week this past week has been. I've worked and had time to fellowship with dear friends and added sweet memories to my treasure trove of memories. As the time draws closer for me to board the plane for my new home I am even more aware of the time I spend with friends. Thank you each for the great gift you give me of yourself. Thank you for the memories that will carry me through those days when I'm missing home.

May this week be full of sweet times that add to your treasure trove of memories.
Thank you for joining me on this journey.

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